3 Day Trucking

Intensive Training in Maryland

(September 22nd to 24th)


Learn how to start a successful trucking business no driving required!

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Virtual Seat

Unable to attend in person? Join our 3-Day Trucking Intensive Training in Maryland VIRTUALLY!

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Let Me Guess, Is This You?

Did you know starting a trucking business doesn't have to be as stressful or scary as you think? Let me show you how!

Let's Make This You Instead!


Anything You Can Imagine You Can Create!

- Oprah Winfrey


3 Day Trucking Intensive 

Video Poster Image

This is a virtual and in-person training event. 

In The Next  3 Days, You Could…

  • Be equipped with the knowledge on how to successfully start your trucking business.
  • Have a strong sense of confidence and clarity when it comes to starting your trucking business because you will be given the blueprint to multi-6-figure success! 
  • Finish this training with a complete understanding of what it takes to create and run a successful trucking business. You'll  have the exact blueprint & systems in place on how to succeed!
  • Transform your entire life!

Training Overview

What You'll Learn During The Event...

Day One Overview...

Intro To Trucking

You'll gain a solid understanding of how the transportation industry works and operates. As well as the in's & outs of logistics and how the movement of freight is facilitated.

Obtain Your Operating Authority 

Filling out the incredibly confusing & daunting FMCSA online application is no small task. One wrong click of a button can easily set your trucking business back weeks. This is why on day one of the training event we'll be teaching the whole class step-by-step how to properly fill out the FMCSA online application.  At the end of day one, each student will have successfully filled out their FMCSA application.

Setting Up Your Business

You'll learn how to properly and legally set up your trucking business. The systems you'll need to have in place to run a smooth and efficient operation. As well as how to properly lease  Owner Operators to your company & how to lease your truck on to larger companies. 

Field Trips & Fun

We'll be taking the whole class on a field trip to an actual truck dealership, as well as going on a road test in an actual semi-truck. This way you'll be able to view, touch, and familiarize yourself with what will be the most important component of your business. You'll learn exactly what to look for when it comes to looking at a potential truck to purchase for your business.The type of equipment you purchases can either make or break your business. One of the reason why many new trucking businesses fail pre-maturely is because they purchased horrible equipment without even knowing it. When it came to purchasing their truck, they didn't know what to properly look for or what hidden red flags to look out for. 

Day Two Overview...

Industry Terminology⠀

Investing in trucking is a lot like investing in stocks, bonds, and real estate. It requires learning a whole new vocabulary! The transportation industry has its very own language and during this event, I'm going to teach you how to become fluent in it! You'll learn how to properly communicate and articulate yourself effectively. If you can't properly communicate with your employees and customers, then how can you expect to run a successful 6-figure trucking business? Am I right?

Load Booking Training/ Live Calls⠀

Day 2# You'll learn what a load board is, how to effeciently utilize it and how to build up your book of business using it. I'll teach you the full load booking process, what type of loads to look for & to look out for. As well as how to strategically negotiate competitive rates with brokers. Plus during class we'll be making live calls off the load board to brokers. Were you'll have the opportunity to practice your script and build your confidence for when it's time to start booking loads on your own.

Finding & Hiring Qualified Drivers⠀

The 3 Day Trucking Intensive is all about teaching you how to start a successful trucking business without ever driving a truck! During the event, you'll learn how to find quality drivers and EVERYTHING that's required with properly vetting and hiring them on with your trucking business. You'll also learn exactly what to do if your driver ever abandons your truck or gets in a wreck and how to quickly recover.

Dedicated Freight/Shipper Contracts

 In Trucking your network is your net worth! I'll be teaching you how to build the necessary strong relationships with shippers and brokers. Along with how to secure obtain dedicated freight and get your trucks on with Amazon Relay and FEDEX!

Dot Compliance/Audit Prep⠀

You'll learn how to run a safe and DOT Complaint trucking business. Along with how to properly prepare for your first DOT Audit and PASS!

Day 3 Overview...

General Overview⠀

The last day of the training event will be a half-day used for going over 6-figure business simples and principles, as well as go over everything you learned the previous two days and answer any questions you may have.

6-Figure Success Systems!⠀

Everyone thinks shipping contracts & dedicated freight is the key to owning a successful trucking business, but its actually systems! The key to running a successful trucking business that stands the test of time is having the correct systems in place for your business to run profitably and efficiently on auto-pilot! You'll learn my proven 6-Figure Success Systems that helped me to take my once struggling trucking business and scale it to over 7-figures a year.

Plus Bonuses...

Cratered breakfast & Lunch

There will be a complimentary catered breakfast and lunch included during the event.

($300) Value

Insurance/Credit Guest Speakers⠀

During this event, we will have some amazing guest speakers to with you along with an insurance expert to better help you understand how your operating authority works. A driver recruiting expert who will speak to you about how to not only find great drivers, but retain them for a lifetime. And a credit expert, to help learn about building & leveraging your business credit. They will be dropping some amazing gems!

($1,500) Value

You'll receive 30-day access to our Q&A trucking intensive community where you'll be able to ask Coach Delphine any questions you have during the weekly lives in our trucking portable. As well as chat with other members in the Q&A community who are on the same journey as you to help stay accountable!

($300) Value

Training Materials

 Trucking Bible Business Guide

 Call Scripts, Sample Contracts and Paperwork.

 Driver Hiring Guide ( interview questionnaire, road testing guide, etc..)

✔ Free Load Board Subscriptions.

 Terminology Guide

 Plus Much More...

($1500) Value 

This Training 

Changes Lives  Is For You If...

  • You are ready to create your own retirement plan!
  • Become your own boss and set your own schedule!
  • Create the financial freedom and the time freedom you desire and deserve!
  • You dream of living a more comfortable life!
  • You want to leave a legacy for your children!

Real Women Real Results


Coach Delphine Foster

"From Welfare to 7-Figures"

From a struggling single mother on welfare to a Multi 7-figure trucking business owner and the creator of the #1 online trucking education platform in the nation for women! Delphine Foster is quite the business Titan, to say the least. Delphine began her trucking journey in the summer of 1997, after completing 3 weeks of CDL school. She purchased her first truck with a welfare check and a prayer. Her road to 7-figures was not an easy one. She quickly learned the transportation industry wasn't as easy or welcoming as she had thought; especially to women. Never one to stay discouraged!


So What Happens If You Don't Take Action Today?

Time is your most valuable resource. The longer you wait, the more potential opportunities you risk missing out on. The real question is, what would you rather gamble with? The small amount of money you invest that you can always earn back? Or the valuable amount of time you waste by simply waiting for your life to magical change? 

“The best time to have started your freight dispatching business was 5 years ago. The second best time is now”?

The more time you allow to pass by, the more missed opportunities and revenue you are potentially missing out on. Take that first step by believing in yourself and investing in yourself today. See you in class!



Got More Questions?

Someone from our team will reply back to you within 48-72 hours 

Earnings Disclaimer
RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the website or in the program regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavor, results may vary and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through Six Figure Trucking Academy should be based on your own due diligence. By making this payment you understand there are no refunds and we at Six Figure Trucking Academy (including sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal or business life.